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"Outsiders" in the labour market: Russian men and women facing new realities

Mezentseva, Elena. (2004). "Outsiders" in the labour market: Russian men and women facing new realities. In Hinteregger, Gerald & Heinrich, Hans-Georg (Eds.), Russia: continuity and change (pp. 311-38). Austria: Springer-Verlag Wien.

Mezentseva, Elena. (2004). "Outsiders" in the labour market: Russian men and women facing new realities. In Hinteregger, Gerald & Heinrich, Hans-Georg (Eds.), Russia: continuity and change (pp. 311-38). Austria: Springer-Verlag Wien.

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Russia has lived through years of radical change. This book provides a multidisciplinary analysis of developments in Russia since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It offers new insights into recent developments and possible future trends in Russia which, for many observers in the "West”, remains the big enigmatic neighbour in the "East”. Numerous researchers and diplomats from Austria and Russia have contributed to this volume. Key subjects are internal Russian politics, economic developments, social issues and regional particularities in the Russian Federation. Russia's relations with the "Near Abroad”, the EU and the World form another important part of this practice-oriented analysis. A source of information for leaders in politics, the business community as well as to the media.


Russia: continuity and change

Mezentseva, Elena

Hinteregger, Gerald
Heinrich, Hans-Georg




Springer-Verlag Wien
