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Feeding and nutrition of infants and young children: guidlines for the WHO European Region, with emphasis on the former Soviet countries

Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer; Weaver, Lawrence; Branca, Francesco; & Robertson, Aileen. (2000). Feeding and nutrition of infants and young children: guidlines for the WHO European Region, with emphasis on the former Soviet countries. Denmark: World Health Organization.

Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer; Weaver, Lawrence; Branca, Francesco; & Robertson, Aileen. (2000). Feeding and nutrition of infants and young children: guidlines for the WHO European Region, with emphasis on the former Soviet countries. Denmark: World Health Organization.

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WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No. 87

Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer
Weaver, Lawrence
Branca, Francesco
Robertson, Aileen



World Health Organization
