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Rural poverty in Russia

Ovcharova, Lilia; & Pishnyak, Alina. (2003). Rural poverty in Russia. In The World Bank Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ECSSD (Ed.), Local Self-Government and Civic Engagement in Rural Russia (pp. 27-37). Moscow, Russia: Astro-Plus Publishers.

Ovcharova, Lilia; & Pishnyak, Alina. (2003). Rural poverty in Russia. In The World Bank Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ECSSD (Ed.), Local Self-Government and Civic Engagement in Rural Russia (pp. 27-37). Moscow, Russia: Astro-Plus Publishers.

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Rural poverty in Russia is extremely acute. The rural poor are at a much greater risk of falling below the poverty line than their urban counterparts because poverty in rural areas is considerably deeper. What processes have contributed to the current situation in the Russian countryside? What factors lie at the root of rural poverty? To answer these questions, it is necessary to begin by addressing the events that have occurred in Russia over the last decade.


Local Self-Government and Civic Engagement in Rural Russia

Ovcharova, Lilia
Pishnyak, Alina

The World Bank Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ECSSD



Astro-Plus Publishers

Moscow, Russia