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Strategies of Russian workers in adapting to market reforms

Popova, Daria. (2001). Strategies of Russian workers in adapting to market reforms. Russian Economic Trends, 10(3-4), 68-73.

Popova, Daria. (2001). Strategies of Russian workers in adapting to market reforms. Russian Economic Trends, 10(3-4), 68-73.

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Economic transition in the early 1990s brought cardinal changes in the Russian labour market that entailed a steep fall in living standards of the population and widening of income inequality. By the end of the decade, only half of workers have managed to adapt themselves to the new economic conditions. Furthermore, in most cases this has been achieved not through highly paid employment and active behaviour in the labour market but thanks to incomes of other family members and additional non-monetary incomes. The half of workers, who have failed to adapt, live in families with aggregate per capita income too low to cross the poverty threshold.


Popova, Daria


Russian Economic Trends




