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Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia within millennium development goals

Roshchin, Sergey Y. (2003). Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia within millennium development goals. UN Gender team group's Doclad. United Nations Debelopment Programme.

Roshchin, Sergey Y. (2003). Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia within millennium development goals. UN Gender team group's Doclad. United Nations Debelopment Programme.

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The purpose of report is the analysis of situation related to different forms of gender inequality in Russia and determination of main directions of policy to achieve the third millennium goal taking into account specific situation in Russia. The following issues are considered in report to achieve the goal in view:
lTo select specific properties of Russia with relation to provision of gender equality
lTo define main trends and principles of gender inequality in economic area
lTo analyse influence of economic gender inequality on differences in men and women position in social and political area
lTo suggest directions of policy to achieve gender equality and increase of women's
possibilities and rights equality

This report uses Goskomstat RF data, Russia longitudinal monitoring survey (RLMS) data and materials of other special surveys available for the author.


UN Gender team group's Doclad

Roshchin, Sergey Y.


United Nations Debelopment Programme