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Time balance changes and women's use of their right to rest

Gvozdeva, Galina. (1999). Time balance changes and women's use of their right to rest. Society and Leisure, 22(1), 127-44.

Gvozdeva, Galina. (1999). Time balance changes and women's use of their right to rest. Society and Leisure, 22(1), 127-44.

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In the paper, we will try to explore, first, what favourable changes have occurred after recent social liberalisation in Russia that were to expand women's opportunities of satisfactory leisure use; second, how rural people themselves perceive the changes in their use of leisure; third, what changes have occurred in the structure of leisure behaviours among different groups of rural women. The study is based on data of official statistics, of Russian monitoring of the economic situation and health of the population (RLMS, 1994-1996) and data from social-economic surveys of the rural population of the Novosibirsk oblast conducted by the Department of Sociology, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SE RAS in 1975-1997.


Gvozdeva, Galina


Society and Leisure




