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Twenty-four hour dietary recalls of women from the former Soviet Union

Sorokin, Olga; Miller, Arlene Michaels; Chandler, Peggy; & Drossos, Tatiana. (2003). Twenty-four hour dietary recalls of women from the former Soviet Union. 131st Annual Meeting APHA.

Sorokin, Olga; Miller, Arlene Michaels; Chandler, Peggy; & Drossos, Tatiana. (2003). Twenty-four hour dietary recalls of women from the former Soviet Union. 131st Annual Meeting APHA.

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Eating patterns of new immigrants combine features of original and new countries, resulting in unique nutritional profiles. Examining changes in diet is important for studying acculturation and health behavior. However, collecting nutritional data for smaller cultural groups is particularly challenging due to limited information about food sources, composition and preparation in established databases. The purpose of this presentation is to examine nutritional profiles of women from the former Soviet Union (FSU) and discuss methodological issues related to nutritional assessment of new immigrants. Data will be reported for 177 women, aged 40-70, who have resided in the U.S. fewer than 8 years. These are baseline data from an ongoing longitudinal study of post-immigration health and health behavior. For each participant, three 24-hour dietary recalls (2 weekdays and 1 weekend) were completed by telephone in Russian by trained bilingual research assistants. Data were analyzed using Nutritional Data System (NDS) software. Comparable data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) were used as referents. Energy intake was lower than for American women of the same age, and similar to average Russian intake. Percent calories consumed as fat (31.4%) was also similar to Russian intake. However, protein intake (16.5% of daily calories) was proportionately higher than that for Russians. Relatively less energy was consumed as carbohydrates, which was more similar to U.S. norms. Neither energy nor macronutrient intake was associated with duration of residence or age. Methodological issues and implications for health promotion interventions will be discussed.


131st Annual Meeting APHA

Sorokin, Olga
Miller, Arlene Michaels
Chandler, Peggy
Drossos, Tatiana