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The cost of illness, disability, and premature mortality to Russia's economy

Twigg, Judyth L. (2005). The cost of illness, disability, and premature mortality to Russia's economy. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 46(7), 495-524.

Twigg, Judyth L. (2005). The cost of illness, disability, and premature mortality to Russia's economy. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 46(7), 495-524.

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An American specialist on Russia's health and demographic situation calculates the economic burden of morbidity, disability, and premature death on the country's economy in 2003, applying a cost-of-illness model commonly used in Western settings. The paper disaggregates direct costs (spending specifically on health care) and indirect costs (productivity lost due to illness and death, measured in terms of lost wages), and distinguishes between current-year versus out-year losses and the costs incurred due to different categories of illness. The paper first analyzes the situation for Russia as a whole before briefly exploring regional variations in elements of cost of illness.


Twigg, Judyth L.


Eurasian Geography and Economics




