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Редактор серии wp15 «научные труды лаборатории исследований рынка труда» cю рощин

Аистов, АВ. (2011). Редактор серии wp15 «научные труды лаборатории исследований рынка труда» cю рощин. Препринт WP15/2011/04 Серия WP15.

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Experts’ estimates say that shadow and grey economies equal up to one-third of the GDP of Russia. Does the grey market decrease social tensions? Some kind of answer is presented in the paper. We have made regression analysis of life and work satisfaction with the use of the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE (RLMS – HSE). The employment without official registration (by labor book, labor agreement, or contract) is considered as criterion of work in the informal economy. Robustness check by different econometrics techniques shows that unregistered employment corresponds to the lower level of life and job satisfaction in comparison with the formal employment


Аистов, АВ


Препринт WP15/2011/04 Серия WP15