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Gender stereotyping and its impact on human capital development in contemporary Russia

Zavyalova, Elena K.; & Kosheleva, Sofia V. (2010). Gender stereotyping and its impact on human capital development in contemporary Russia. Human Resource Development International, 13(3), 341-349.

Zavyalova, Elena K.; & Kosheleva, Sofia V. (2010). Gender stereotyping and its impact on human capital development in contemporary Russia. Human Resource Development International, 13(3), 341-349.

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This article starts with a brief overview of the role of women in the workforce in the former USSR and contemporary Russia. Next, gender stereotypes in the human capital development practices of Russian companies are described. The article then presents the results of a study of the gender aspects of human capital practices (including hiring, evaluation, training and development, and promotion policies) in 60 Russian companies from nine sectors of the economy. It then reflects on some of the main features of gender issues related to human capital development in Russia. Most are determined by socio-cultural and psychological barriers in the social (public) and individual consciousness of managers and employees.


Zavyalova, Elena K.
Kosheleva, Sofia V.


Human Resource Development International




