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In the grip of transition: economic and social consequences of restructuring in Russia and Ukraine

Lehmann, Hartmut; & Brück, Tilman. (2012). In the grip of transition: economic and social consequences of restructuring in Russia and Ukraine. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lehmann, Hartmut; & Brück, Tilman. (2012). In the grip of transition: economic and social consequences of restructuring in Russia and Ukraine. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

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The shift from a centrally planned economy to a market-based economy involves, amongst other elements, the restructuring of state-owned or privatized enterprises. Realigning product lines, adopting new technology and imposing sound finances are all important stages in the integration of enterprises into world markets.

This book analyzes the efficiency and equity of the economic restructuring in the two largest successor states of the Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine. It raises important questions such as why these countries have been relatively slow to pursue restructuring policies, how the transition has affected labor markets and institutions, and how it impacted on poverty and social safety. The analysis is based on a careful examination of micro-level data, documenting the experiences of and interactions between individuals and institutions.


Lehmann, Hartmut
Brück, Tilman


Palgrave Macmillan
