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Impact of employment instability on socio-economic position of employees

Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.; & Veredyuk, Olesya V. (2013). Impact of employment instability on socio-economic position of employees. Economy of Region/Ekonomika Regiona, 4, 35-43.

Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.; & Veredyuk, Olesya V. (2013). Impact of employment instability on socio-economic position of employees. Economy of Region/Ekonomika Regiona, 4, 35-43.

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The subject of the article is the relationships in labor utilization. The article analyzes the impact of employment instability on the socio-economic situation of employees in Russia. Questions revealing the concept content of employment instability, its real forms and socio-economic consequences for employees are considered. Methods of statistical and sociological data analysis are applied. Indicators to measure the scope and level of employment instability of employees are calculated. The dynamics in the time of the size of employment instability in Russia are analyzed. The obtained results can be applied within national economic and social policy. The findings indicate that employment instability is high, and it threatens socio-economic position of the great number of employees in Russia. It is argued that, in these conditions, the most appropriate in the fight against the spread of employment instability are the set of government initiatives, proactive position of the Russian society and the expansion of societal forms of control over the government.


Bobkov, Vyacheslav N.
Veredyuk, Olesya V.


Economy of Region/Ekonomika Regiona


