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Global dynamics in childhood obesity: reflections on a life of work in the field

Popkin, Barry M. (2010). Global dynamics in childhood obesity: reflections on a life of work in the field. In Freemark, Michael (Ed.), Pediatric Obesity (pp. 3-11). Springer New York.

Popkin, Barry M. (2010). Global dynamics in childhood obesity: reflections on a life of work in the field. In Freemark, Michael (Ed.), Pediatric Obesity (pp. 3-11). Springer New York.

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One of the more profound shifts in the last two decades has been the marked increase in child obesity in countries across the globe – rich and poor, urban and rural. The nature of this shift to a world that is fat needs to be understood very broadly, but the obesity engine is driven by local and well as national and international forces. In this chapter, I attempt to lay out the broad outlines of the shifts in obesity among school-age children and adolescents. I do not address the issues of preschoolers because there is currently a lack of reliable data in this age group.


Pediatric Obesity

Contemporary Endocrinology

Popkin, Barry M.

Freemark, Michael



Springer New York

