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Equilibrium wage arrears

Earle, John S.; & Peter, Klara Sabirianova. (2001). Equilibrium wage arrears. In Maleva, T. (Ed.), Payday or the Day of Reckoning: The Problem of Salary Delays (pp. 106-57). Moscow: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Earle, John S.; & Peter, Klara Sabirianova. (2001). Equilibrium wage arrears. In Maleva, T. (Ed.), Payday or the Day of Reckoning: The Problem of Salary Delays (pp. 106-57). Moscow: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

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Payday or the Day of Reckoning: The Problem of Salary Delays

Earle, John S.
Peter, Klara Sabirianova

Maleva, T.



Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
