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Economic mobility trajectories of the Russian population: the experience of the last two decades

Bogomolova, Tatyana. (2010). Economic mobility trajectories of the Russian population: the experience of the last two decades. International Sociological Association, 2010. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Bogomolova, Tatyana. (2010). Economic mobility trajectories of the Russian population: the experience of the last two decades. International Sociological Association, 2010. Gothenburg, Sweden.

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The individual's capacity to make use of all disposable capital, namely human, economic & social, to respond the challenges of time & social environment, to resist covariant & idiosyncratic shocks is reflected in his/her trajectory of economic mobility. This paper is devoted to detection of patterns of economic mobility trajectories of the Russian population in the last two decades, 1990-s & the current one based on the combination of "quantity" and "quality" data analysis. The informative base, used for this research, comprises the data of Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) for the period of 1994-2007, as well as the materials of individually detailed interviews. Some certain types of change of individual's economic position, the characteristics of socio-demographic groups, & also the determinants of upward and downward steps of the trajectories have been detected on the basis of statistic analysis of RLMS data. The aim of individuals' interviewing was to study the so-called "subjective" economic mobility. Being the crucial turning points in economic mobility trajectory of individual, both macro-events (such as reforms and economic crises) & micro-events (such as getting education, new employment & loss of job, marriage & divorce, birth of children) affect the position of a specific person, & the way it happens is revealed through the analysis of the obtained research materials.


International Sociological Association, 2010

Bogomolova, Tatyana


Gothenburg, Sweden