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Women in science: practices of supplementary employment (the case of Russia)

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2006). Women in science: practices of supplementary employment (the case of Russia). International Sociological Association, 2006. Durban, South Africa.

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2006). Women in science: practices of supplementary employment (the case of Russia). International Sociological Association, 2006. Durban, South Africa.

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The paper reviews specifics of changing women's situation in the Russian sciences due to their involvement into additional employment with the aim of adapting to rapid social changes. Changes in professional structure assume a special character against the background of after-effects of 1990s crisis in Russia's economy. These after-effects are still affecting the situation of those employed in the spheres of sciences. The situation of labor underemployment leads an 'inner brain drain' -- from academic jobs to other sectors of economy with less skilled labor. A way out of this situation is also seen in supplementary employment or extra jobs. Supplementary employment by women in sciences is looked at from the point of view of its links with the basic profession, character of the role played, &, as a result, of its significance for women's academic careers. Building on the interviews with women, working in the natural sciences, their attitudes are discussed related to their roles in scientific activities, to practices of supplementary employment, its types & goals, & its impact on the basic academic activity. It is demonstrated that the character of supplementary jobs reflects the habitual role division in the academia. The paper is based on the data of semi-structured interviews. The study has been done with INTAS assistance. Data of some representative all-Russian surveys (RLMS, VTsIOM) are used, as well.


International Sociological Association, 2006

Popova, Irina Petrovna


Durban, South Africa