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Extra professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995-2005

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2008). Extra professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995-2005. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 34(3), 79-91.

Popova, Irina Petrovna. (2008). Extra professional education in the strategies of working specialists, 1995-2005. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 34(3), 79-91.

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The article aims to analyze the contradictory relations between the imaginary advantages of extra-professional education & the real situation on labor market. To gather the survey data the secondary analysis of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey -- RLMS has been provided. The structure & the legislative base of continuing professional development in Russia are reviewed. It is asserted that the low social mobility of groups of employees who received an extra professional education indicates at the evolutionary character of innovations in Russian economy, which is not interested in the new flow of skilled workers. That, by authors, is a symptom of economic stagnation. Tables, References. Adapted from the source document.


Popova, Irina Petrovna


Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya



