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Youth development report: condition of Russian youth

Agranovich, Mark; Korolyova, Natalia; Poletaev, Andrei; Sundiev, Igor; Seliverstova, Irina; & Fateeva, Anna. (2006). Youth development report: condition of Russian youth. . Moscow: UNESCO/GTZ.

Agranovich, Mark; Korolyova, Natalia; Poletaev, Andrei; Sundiev, Igor; Seliverstova, Irina; & Fateeva, Anna. (2006). Youth development report: condition of Russian youth. . Moscow: UNESCO/GTZ.

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This report was prepared at the request of UNESCO with the assistance of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and it is dedicated to defining the conditions of the young people in modern Russia. This issue is of great concern to any society. What is it, that we call “modern youth”? How is it different from the previous generation? What are its pursuits, its aims, and its potential? Modern Russian youth is, practically speaking, the first generation that was born and raised in the new, post-Soviet Russia. This generation was growing up in a very complex environment, in which previous behavior patterns were destroyed and the social and economic transformation featured quick changes that sometimes led to certain difficulties. This is why the questions regarding what is today’s Russian youth like and what is its potential are especially relevant for modern-day Russia. Too often one can hear people say that today’s youth is quite bad, or ill-mannered, or non-patriotic, or that the young people do not like working, that they mind only their own interests or its own diversions, and so on and so forth. It is quite probable (and there exist many proofs to that) that parents were saying something of this sort to their young for the last several thousand years. This is why the authors of this report made a conscious effort in avoiding moral or ideological issues and, instead, have concentrated their attention on such aspects of youth development and such characteristics of its potential that could have been assessed quantitatively, so that such analysis would provide credible enough statistical information. In this report interested readers will find the following issues are discussed: education, health, conditions of the young people at the labor market, participation in the public life, and their asocial behavior.


Agranovich, Mark
Korolyova, Natalia
Poletaev, Andrei
Sundiev, Igor
Seliverstova, Irina
Fateeva, Anna


