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The ways of adaptation and allocation work time from Russian households in the period of crisis

Gvozdeva, Galina; & Gvozdeva, Elena. (2006). The ways of adaptation and allocation work time from Russian households in the period of crisis. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(4), 563-82.

Gvozdeva, Galina; & Gvozdeva, Elena. (2006). The ways of adaptation and allocation work time from Russian households in the period of crisis. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(4), 563-82.

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This paper considers gender analysis of time allocation for paid & unpaid work in five different types of Russian households, as well as the ways of adaptation in household features since 1991 (when the Soviet Union was disorganized). Emphasis was given on analyzing consequences of the financial crisis in 1998, when many people lost their jobs & most Russian families lost their life savings. The ways of adaptation varied depending on the types of families. Families with low income & with children perform more unpaid work, & this work, mostly performed by the females, widens the opportunities of sustaining normal life for those who suffer hardships due to economic transformations in the country. The study was based on a Russian State Statistical Bureau (Goskomstat) data. The data if paid & unpaid work duration was obtained from the Monitoring of Economic Conditions in the Russian Federation: Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (1996, 1998, 2003). Tables, Figures, References. Adapted from the source document.


Gvozdeva, Galina
Gvozdeva, Elena


Journal of Comparative Family Studies



