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Impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie: une analyse de “propensity score matching”.

Clément, Matthieu. (2006). Impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie: une analyse de “propensity score matching”. Centre d’Économie du Développement Working Paper DT/132/2006.

Clément, Matthieu. (2006). Impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie: une analyse de “propensity score matching”. Centre d’Économie du Développement Working Paper DT/132/2006.

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The aim of this article is to discuss about the capacity of Russian housing benefits to help vulnerable families who face an increase of their housing costs. In order to undertake this incidence analysis, we use 'propensity score matching' techniques and micro-data from the Russia Longitudinal Survey Monitoring of 2003. The idea is to build a comparison group which describes the situation of beneficialries households before they receive housing benefits, on the basis of observable characteristics of non-beneficiaries households. Finally, the comparison between the pre-intervention distribution and the post-intervention distribution indicate that public housing benefits have a very limited impact on households income and are unable to reduce poverty, because of a failing targeting.


Clément, Matthieu


Centre d’Économie du Développement Working Paper DT/132/2006