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Brainerd, Elizabeth; & Varavikova, Elena A. (2001). Death and the market. Prepared for the WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health.

Broadman, Harry G.; & Recanatini, Francesca. (2001). Is Russia restructuring? New evidence on job creation and destruction. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2641.

Bulik, Cynthia M.; & Allison, David B. (2001). The genetic epidemiology of thinness. Obesity Reviews, 2(2), 107-115.

Carlson, Per. (2001). Risk behaviours and self rated health in Russia 1998. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 55(11), 806-17.

Chen, Feinian. (2001). Family structures, familial relationships and socioeconomic changes in China and Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Clark, Andrew E.; & Maurel, Mathilde. (2001). Well-being and wage arrears in Russian panel data. HSE Economic Journal, 5(2), 179–194.

Cubbins, Lisa A.; & Szaflarski, Magdalena. (2001). Family effects on self-reported health among Russian wives and husbands. Social Science & Medicine, 53(12), 1653-1666.

Dauphin, Anyck. (2001). Notes on perceptions of poverty: usefulness and methods. . Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI).

DaVanzo, Julia; & Grammich, Clifford. (2001). Dire demographics: population trends in the Russian Federation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Development., Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. (2001). The social crisis in the Russian Federation. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Doak, Colleen Marie; & Popkin, Barry M. (2001). The emerging problem of obesity in developing countries. In Semba, Richard D. & Bloem, Martin W. (Eds.), Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries (pp. 447-464). Humana Press.

Dutz, Mark; Kauffmann, Celine; Najarian, Serineh; Sanfey, Peter; & Yemtsov, Ruslan. (2001). Labour market states, mobility and entrepreneurship in transition economies. EBRD Working Paper No. 65.

Earle, John S.; & Peter, Klara Sabirianova. (2001). Equilibrium wage arrears. In Maleva, T. (Ed.), Payday or the Day of Reckoning: The Problem of Salary Delays (pp. 106-57). Moscow: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada; & Van Praag, Bernard M.S. (2001). Poverty in Russia. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(2), 147-172.

Gavrilova, Natalia S.; Evdokushkina, Galina N.; Semyonova, Victoria G.; & Gavrilov, Leonid A. (2001). Economic crisis, stress and mortality in Russia. The Population Association of America 2001 Annual Meeting. Washington.

Gimpelson, Vladimir; & Lippoldt, Douglas. (2001). The Russian labour market: between transition and turmoil. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Graham, Carol; & Pettinato, Stefano. (2001). Happiness, markets, and democracy: Latin America in comparative perspective. Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(3), 237-68.

Grogan, Louise A.; & Van Den Berg, Gerard J. (2001). The duration of unemployment in Russia. Journal of Population Economics, 14(3), 549-568.

Grosfeld, Irena; Senik-Leygonie, Claudia; Verdier, Thierry; Kolenikov, Stanislav; & Paltseva, Elena. (2001). Workers' heterogeneity and risk aversion: a segmentation model of the Russian labor market. Journal of Comparative Economics, 29(2), 230-256.

Grün, Carola; & Klasen, Stephan. (2001). Growth, income distribution and well being in transition countries. Economics of Transition, 9(2), 359-394.