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Monusova, Galina A. (2001). Unemployment in Russia: forced or voluntary. Voprosy Ekonomiki, 9, 113-29.

Mroz, Thomas A.; Mancini, Dominic J.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2001). Monitoring economic conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992–2000/Report submitted to the US Agency for International Development. . Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Najman, Boris; & Pailhe, Ariane. (2001). Mobilite externe sur le marche du travail Russe, 1994-1998: une approche en termes d'activites (External mobility on the Russian labour market, 1994-1998: an inter-sector point of view. With English summary.). Revue Economique, 52(4), 861-84.

O'Leary, Christopher J.; Nesporova, Alena; & Samorodov, Alexander. (2001). Manual on evaluation of labour market policies in transition economies. Geneva: International Labour Office.

Ovcharova, Lilia; & Popova, Daria. (2001). What kind of poverty alleviation policy does Russia need? Russian Economic Trends, 10(1), 7-14.

Pailhé, Ariane; & Pascal, Anne. (2001). Arriérés de salaire, congés obligatoires et participation au marché du travail Russe. Revue Economique, 52(4), 885-914.

Peaucelle, Irina. (2001). Economie et santé: où en est la Russie? CEPREMAP Working Paper No. 2001-05.

Philipov, Dimiter; & Shkolnikov, Vladimir. (2001). Fertility intentions and coping strategies: results from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Washington DC.

Pomerleau, Joceline; McKee, Martin; Rose, Richard; Haerpfer, Christian W.; Rotman, David; & Tumanov, Sergej. (2001). Hazardous alcohol drinking in the former Soviet Union: a cross-sectional study of eight. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43(3), 351-9.

Popova, Daria. (2001). Strategies of Russian workers in adapting to market reforms. Russian Economic Trends, 10(3-4), 68-73.

Ravallion, M.; & Lokshin, M. (2001). Identifying Welfare Effects from Subjective Questions. Economica, 68.

Ravallion, Martin; & Lokshin, Michael. (2001). Identifying welfare effects from subjective questions. Economica, 68(271), 335-57.

Reiss, White. (2001). посвящена случаю блочных тарифов. Российская экономика: взгляд молодых исследователей., 57.

Sheviakov, Alexander; & Kiruta, Alexey. (2001). Economic inequality, standards of living, and poverty in Russia: measurement and causal dependencies. Economic Education and Research Consortium.

Shkolnikov, Vladimir; McKee, Martin; & Leon, David A. (2001). Changes in life expectancy in Russia in the mid-1990s. Lancet, 357(9260), 917-921.

Stillman, Steven. (2001). The response of consumption in Russian households to economic shocks. IZA Discussion Papers No. 411.

Tchernina, Natalia V. (2001). Die russischen Rentner in den 90er Jahren: Einkommen, Lebensweise und Strategien der Armutsbewältigung. ZeS-Arbeitspapier Working Paper No. 10/2001.

Tøndel, Line. (2001). Foreign direct investment during transition. Determinants and patterns in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet. CMI Working paper WP 2001: 9.

Van Praag, Bernard Marinus Siegfried; & Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada. (2001). Poverty in the Russian Federation. IZA Discussion Paper No. 259.

Veenhoven, Ruut. (2001). Are the Russians as unhappy as they say they are? Journal of Happiness Studies, 2(2), 111-36.