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Michaelsen, Kim Fleischer; Weaver, Lawrence; Branca, Francesco; & Robertson, Aileen. (2000). Feeding and nutrition of infants and young children: guidlines for the WHO European Region, with emphasis on the former Soviet countries. Denmark: World Health Organization.

Milanovic, Branko. (2000). A new polarization measure and some applications. World Bank Development Research Working Paper.

Münich, Daniel; Svejnar, Jan; & Terell, Katherine. (2000). Job and wage changes during the transition: evidence from Czech retrospective data. . The National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, Washington DC: University of Michigan.

Nazarova, Inna B. (2000). Self-rated health and occupational conditions in Russia. Social Science & Medicine, 51(9), 1375-1385.

Nemtsov, Aleksandr V. (2000). Estimates of total alcohol consumption in Russia, 1980-1994. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 58(1-2), 133-142.

Pascall, Gillian; & Manning, Nick. (2000). Gender and social policy: comparing welfare states in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Journal of European Social Policy, 10(3), 240.

Peter, Klara Sabirianova. (2000). Russian human capital: devaluation or development? (Three essays on human capital reallocation during the transition to a market economy). Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Kentucky.

Ravallion, Martin; & Lokshin, Michael. (2000). Who wants to redistribute? The tunnel effect in 1990s Russia. Journal of Public Economics, 76(1), 87-104.

Reitan, Therese C. (2000). Does alcohol matter-public health in Russia and the Baltic countries before, during, and after the transition. Contemporary Drug Problems, 27(3), 511.

Room, Graham. (2000). Trajectories of social exclusions: the wider context for the Third and First Worlds. In Gordon, David & Townsend, Peter (Eds.), Breadline Europe: the measurement of poverty (pp. 407-39). Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Sadana, Ritu; Mathers, Colin D.; Lopez, Alan D.; Murray, Christopher J.L.; & Iburg, Kim. (2000). Comparative analyses of more than 50 household surveys on health status. GPE Discussion Paper Series: No.15.

Smirnych, Larisa; & Wörgötter, Andreas. (2000). Einkommen, Geschlecht und Arbeitsplatzwechsel in Russland, 1998. Institute for Advanced Studies Transition Economics Series No. 15.

Spryskov, Dmitri. (2000). Persistent poverty in Russia. New Economic School Working Paper # BSP/2000/037 E.

Stillman, Steven. (2000). Labor market uncertainty, sectoral earnings, and private sector labor supply in Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington.

Stillman, Steven. (2000). The determinants of private and government sector earnings in Russia. Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 00–17.

Székely, Miguel; & Hilgert, Marianne. (2000). What drives differences in inequality across countries? IDB Working Paper No. 369.

Takeda, Yuka. (2000). The stability of inequality and poverty in Russian in the first period of transition: wage arrears and secondary employment. Slavic Studies, 2000(47), 71-90.

Thießen, Ulrich. (2000). Banking crises in transition countries: theory and empirical evidence: the case of Russia. DIW-Diskussionspapiere 193.

Wang, Youfa; & Wang, Joanna Q. (2000). Standard definition of child overweight and obesity worldwide: authors' standard compares well with WHO standard. British Medical Journal, 321(7269), 1158.

Whitehouse, Edward. (2000). How poor are the old? A survey of evidence from 44 countries. MRPA Working Paper no. 14177.