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Eberstadt, Nicholas; & Groth, Hans. (2010). Die Russische Föderation im Zeichen der demografischen Krise: Alterung und Maßnahmen zur sozialen Sicherheit. Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit, 63(3 4), 24-62.

Eberstadt, Nicholas; & Groth, Hans. (2010). La Fédération de Russie face aux défis du vieillissement et de la sécurité sociale dans un contexte de crise démographique. Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 63(3 4), 24-63.

Eberstadt, Nicholas; & Groth, Hans. (2010). The Russian Federation: confronting the special challenges of ageing and social security policy in an era of demographic crisis. International Social Security Review, 63(3 4), 23-58.

Fiorio, Carlo V.; & Saget, Catherine. (2010). Reducing or aggravating inequality? Preliminary findings from the 2008 financial crisis. International Labour Office Working Paper no. 95.

Fomenko, Olesya. (2010). The effect of schooling, wages, marriage, and socio-economic circumstances on fertility behavior in Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Gaál, Peter; Jakab, Melitta; & Shishkin, Sergey. (2010). Strategies to address informal payments for health care. In Cashin, Cheryl, Kutzin, Joseph & Jakab, Melitta (Eds.), Implementing Health Financing Reform: Lessons from countries in transition (pp. 327-360). The European Observatory on Health Systems and policies.

Gerry, Christopher J.; & Li, Carmen A. (2010). Consumption smoothing and vulnerability in Russia. Applied Economics, 42(16), 1995-2007.

Gordeev, Vladimir S.; Pavlova, Milena; & Groot, Wim. (2010). Two decades of reforms. Appraisal of the financial reforms in the Russian public healthcare sector. Health Policy, 102(2-3), 270-277.

Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; Peter, Klara Sabirianova; & Stolyarov, Dmitriy. (2010). Inequality and volatility moderation in Russia: evidence from micro-level panel data on consumption and income. Review of Economic Dynamics, 13(1), 209-237.

Graham, Carol. (2010). The economics of happiness and health policy: how health norms vary across cohorts in Latin America. In Cotlear, Daniel (Ed.), Population aging: is Latin America ready? (pp. 191). World Bank Publications.

Grogan, Louise A.; & Koka, Katerina. (2010). Young children and women's work in Russia, 1992-2004. Economics of Transition, 18(4), 715-739.

Guriev, Sergei; & Tsyvinski, Aleh. (2010). Challenges facing the Russian economy after the crisis. In Aslund, Anders, Guriev, Sergei & Kuchins, Andrew (Eds.), Russia after the global economic crisis (pp. 9-38). Washington DC: Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics and Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Hendley, Kathryn. (2010). Mobilizing law in contemporary Russia: the evolution of disputes over home repair projects. American Journal of Comparative Law, 58(3), 631-678.

Hitaj, Ermal. (2010). The relationship between income, wealth, and life satisfaction. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park.

Honkanen, Pirjo. (2010). Food preference based segments in Russia. Food Quality and Preference, 21(1), 65-74.

Huffman, Sonya K.; & Rizov, Marian. (2010). Obesity and labor market outcomes in post-Soviet Russia. Presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado.

Huffman, Sonya K.; & Rizov, Marian. (2010). The rise of obesity in transition: theory and empirical evidence from Russia. Journal of Development Studies, 46(3), 574-594.

Istenic, Majda C. (2010). Studying fertility behavior of farm population as a contribution to understanding overall low fertility trends: the case of Slovenia. In Bonanno, Alessandro, Bakker, Hans, Jussaume, Raymond, Kawamura, Yoshio & Shucksmith, Mark (Eds.), From Community to Consumption: New and Classical Themes in Rural Sociological Research [papers presented at the XII World Congress of Rural Sociology held in South Korea in 2008] (pp. 77-91). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Jarocinska, Elena; Maliszewska, Maryla; & Ščasný, Milan. (2010). Modeling economic, social and evironmental implications of a free trade agreement between the European Union and and the Russian Federation. CASE Network Report No. 93.

Kaylen, Maria T.; & Pridemore, William Alex. (2010). Societal heavy drinking and suicide mortality among Russian youth. Contemporary Drug Problems, 37, 449.