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Stuckler, Davuid; King, Lawrence; & McKee, Martin. (2010). Did mass privatisation really increase post-communist mortality?–Authors' reply. Lancet, 375(9712), 372-374.

Takeda, Yuka. (2010). Equivalence scales for measuring poverty in transitional Russia: Engel's food share method and the subjective economic well-being method. Applied Economics Letters, 17(4-6), 351-355.

Titterton, Mike; & Smart, Helen. (2010). Risk, resilience and vulnerability in children and adolescents in relation to long term conditions: the example of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness, 2(2), 153-163.

Treisman, Daniel. (2010). Death and prices. Economics of Transition, 18(2), 281-331.

Trevitt, Jamie L. (2010). Female reproductive health in Russia: demographic and behavioral determinants of pregnancy outcomes, contraceptive usage, and repeat abortion. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University.

Trochev, Alexei. (2010). Suing Putin: patterns of anti-government litigation in Russia, 2000-2008. APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper.

Uhlenberg, Peter; & Cheuk, Michelle. (2010). The significance of grandparents to grandchildren: an international perspective. In Dannefer, Dale & Phillipson, Chris (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Gerontology (pp. 447-59). Sage Publications Ltd..

Varshavsky, Alexander. (2010). Assessing reasonable limits of inequality on the basis of a new model of income distribution. Intellectual Economics, 1(7).

Vérdugo, Miguel Ángel; Jordán de Urríes, Francisco de Borja; Sánchez, María Cruz; & Benito, María Carmen. (2010). Influencia en la protección social y el sistema de pensiones en la actividad y el acceso al empleo de las personas con discapacidad. Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad Working Paper.

Xu, Ke; Saksena, Priyanka; Jowett, Matthew; Indikadahena, Chandika; Kutzin, Joe; & Evans, David B. (2010). Exploring the thresholds of health expenditure for protection against financial risk. World health report, Background Paper(No. 19), 328–333.

Yushkina, Yana. (2010). The determinants of happiness and its changes: an empirical analysis based on panel data from Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Amherst College.

Zavyalova, Elena K.; & Kosheleva, Sofia V. (2010). Gender stereotyping and its impact on human capital development in contemporary Russia. Human Resource Development International, 13(3), 341-349.

Åslund, Anders; Guriev, Sergei; & Kuchins, Andrew. (2010). Russia after the global economic crisis. Washington, DC: Peterson Institute.

Зороастрова, ИВ. (2010). Права женщин в Нижегородской области. In Римашевская, Н. М., Воронина, О. А. & Баллаева, Е. А. (Eds.), Права женщин и институты гендерного равенства в регионах России (pp. 97-136). МАКС Пресс.

Новиков, ДА. (2010). Экспериментальное исследование индивидуальных стратегий предложения труда. Москва: Эгвес.

Aksartova, Sada. (2009). Promoting civil society or diffusing NGOs? In Hemmack, David C. & Heydemann, Steven (Eds.), Globalization, philanthropy, and civil society: projecting institutional logics abroad (pp. 160-91). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.

Alvi, Eskander; & Dendir, Seife. (2009). On consumption insurance in poor urban areas: evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of International Development, 21(5), 699-713.

Becchetti, Leonardo; & Rossetti, Fiammetta. (2009). When money does not buy happiness: the case of "frustrated acheivers". Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(1), 159-167.

Besstremyannaya, Galina. (2009). Micro data assessment of Russian drug benefit monetization. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 23(5), 465-476.

Boylan, Sinéad; Welch, Ailsa; Pikhart, Hynek; Malyutina, Sofia; Pajak, Andrzej; Kubinova, Ruzena; Bragina, Oksana; Simonova, Galina; Stepaniak, Urszula; Gilis-Januszewska, Aleksandra; Milla, Lubomíra; Peasey, Anne; Marmot, Michael; & Bobak, Martin. (2009). Dietary habits in three Central and Eastern European countries: the HAPIEE study. BMC Public Health, 9(1), 439.