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Santos, Simone M.; Chor, Dora; Werneck, Guilherme Loureiro; & Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire. (2007). Association between contextual factors and self-rated health: a systematic review of multilevel studies. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 23(11), 2533-2554.

Schultz, T. Paul. (2007). Health, human capital and development. Chinese Economists Society meeting. Changsha, Hunan Province.

Semykina, Anastasia; & Linz, Susan J. (2007). Gender differences in personality and earnings: evidence from Russia. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28(3), 387-410.

Shkaratan, Ovsei Irmovich; & Iniasevskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich. (2007). The position and actual behavior of professionals and managers in the sphere of employment. Sociological Research, 46(5), 47-69.

Simai, Mihaly. (2007). Poverty and inequality in Eastern Europe and the CIS tranistion economies. In Jacques, Baudot. & K.S., Jomo (Eds.), Flat world, big gaps: economic liberalization, globalization, poverty and inequality (pp. 216). London: Zed Books Ltd.

Stothard, Blaine; Romanova, Olga; & Ivanova, Larissa. (2007). Recent developments in HIV/AIDS prevention for Russian adolescents. Sex Education, 7(2), 175-189.

Suhrcke, Marc; Rocco, Lorenzo; & McKee, Martin. (2007). Health: a vital investment for economic development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Trowbridge, Wilts: The Cromwell Press.

Suhrcke, Marc; Rocco, Lorenzo; McKee, Martin; Mazzuco, Stefano; Urban, Dieter; & Steinherr, Alfred. (2007). Economic consequences of noncommunicable diseases and injuries in the Russian Federation. Trowbridge, Wilts: The Cromwell Press.

Svejnar, Jan. (2007). China in light of the performance of Central and East European economies. IZA Discussion Papers 2791.

Takeda, Yuka. (2007). Macroeconomic growth and the problems of the alleviation of rural poverty in transitional Russia. 'Russian Labour Market Model: Dynamics of Inequality and Poverty’. Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS) at the State University—Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) in Moscow.

Takeda, Yuka. (2007). The RLMS and economic analysis of poverty in transitional Russia -a note for a microeconometric approach to poverty-. Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(2), 17-26.

Tapilina, Vera Sergeevna. (2007). How much does Russia drink: volume, dynamics and differentiation of alcohol consumption. Russian Social Science Review, 48(2), 79-94.

Temnitskiy, Alexander. (2007). Factors of confidence of the workers in a labour market of the reforming Russia. The Journal of Social Policy Studies/Zhurnal Issledovaniy Sotsial'noy Politiki, 5(3), 351-64.

Teplova, Tatyana. (2007). Welfare state transformation, childcare, and women's work in Russia. Social Politics, 14(3), 284-322.

Tessier, S.; Vuillemin, Anne; & Briançon, S. (2007). Propriétés psychométriques d'un questionnaire de mesure de l'activité physique chez l'enfant scolarisé âgé de six à dix ans: QAPE-semaine. Science & Sports, 22(5), 224-231.

Tomkins, Susannah; Saburova, Ludmila; Kiryanov, Nikolav; Andreev, Evgueni M.; McKee, Martin; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M.; & Leon, David A. (2007). Prevalence and socio economic distribution of hazardous patterns of alcohol drinking: study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25–54 years in Izhevsk, Russia. Addiction, 102(4), 544-553.

Truglia, Ricardo Nicolás Pérez. (2007). Can a rise in income inequality improve welfare? Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de San Andrés.

Zhang, Xuanping; & Hwang, Sean-Shong. (2007). The micro consequences of macro-level social transition: how did Russians survive in the 1990s? Social Indicators Research, 82(2), 337-60.

Кортунов, СВ. (2007). Прогноз для России: оптимистический сценарий. In Ясин, Е. Г. (Ed.), VIII Международная научная конференция. Модернизация экономики и общественное развитие: В 3 кн. (pp. 397-404). Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ.

Рощин, СЮ. (2007). Влияние владения компьютерными технологиями на поиск работы, занятость и заработную плату. Научные труды Лаборатории исследований рынка труда. WP15. НИУ ВШЭ.