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Denisova, Irina; & Kartseva, Marina. (2006). Returns on education in Russia: students looking to earn higher income should choose engineering, law or economics departments. Beyond Transition, 17(3), 5.

Dowling, John Malcolm; & Yap, Chin Fang. (2006). Homeostasis and well being. Singapore Management University Working Paper no. 872.

Duryea, Suzanne; Marquéz, Gustavo; Pagés, Carmen; Scarpetta, Stefano; & Reinhart, Carmen. (2006). For better or for worse? Job and earnings mobility in nine middle- and low-income countries. Brookings Trade Forum, 187-209.

Eggers, Andrew; Gaddy, Clifford; & Graham, Carol. (2006). Well-being and unemployment in Russia in the 1990s: can society's suffering be individuals’ solace? Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2), 209-42.

Farès, Jean; Montenegro, Claudio E.; & Orazem, Peter F. (2006). How are youth faring in the labor market? Evidence from around the world. Policy research working papers, 4071.

Fedorov, Leonid Ilych. (2006). Essays on welfare and distributional aspects of the Russian transition. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University.

Frijters, Paul; Geishecker, Ingo; Haisken-DeNew, John P.; & Shields, Michael A. (2006). Can the large swings in Russian life satisfaction be explained by ups and downs in real incomes? Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 108(3), 433-58.

Gibson, John. (2006). Statistical tools and estimation methods for poverty measures based on household surveys. United Nations Population Division Expert Group Meeting.

Glauben, Thomas; Herzfeld, Thomas; & Wang, Xioabing. (2006). The persistence of poverty in rural China: applying an ordered probit and a hazard approach. International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference. Gold Coast, Austrailia.

Gordon-Larsen, Penny; & Reynolds, Kim D. (2006). Influence of the built environment on physical activity and obesity in children and adolescents. In Goran, Michael I. & Sother, Melinda S. (Eds.), Handbook of pediatric obesity: etiology, pathophysiology, and prevention (pp. 251-70). Boca Raton, Florida: Taylor & Francis.

Graham, Carol; & Felton, Andrew. (2006). Inequality and happiness: insights from Latin America. Journal of Economic Inequality, 4(1), 107-122.

Graham, Carol; Eggers, Andrew; & Sukhtankar, Sandip. (2006). Happiness pays: an analysis of well-being, income, and health based on Russian panel data. In Morgan, S. L., Grusky, D. B. & Fields, G. S. (Eds.), Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics (pp. 370-99). Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.

Grogan, Louise A. (2006). Alcoholism, tobacco, and drug use in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Substance Use & Misuse, 41(4), 567-571.

Grogan, Louise A. (2006). An economic explanation of the post-transition fertility decline in Russia. Post-Communist Economies, 18(4), 363-97.

Gronau, Reuben. (2006). Home production and the macro economy-some lessons from Pollak and Wachter and from Transition Russia. NBER Working Paper No. 12287.

Guariglia, Alessandra; & Kim, Byung-Yeon. (2006). The dynamics of moonlighting in Russia: what is happening in the Russian informal economy? Economics of Transition, 14(1), 1-45.

Guriev, Sergei; & Rachinsky, Andrei. (2006). The evolution of personal wealth in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. Research Paper, UNU-WIDER, United Nations University (UNU) 2006/120.

Gvozdeva, Galina; & Gvozdeva, Elena. (2006). The ways of adaptation and allocation work time from Russian households in the period of crisis. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(4), 563-82.

Hafetz, Jessica S. (2006). The intergenerational transmission of health knowledge and behaviors: an evaluation of the Go!Kids Obesity Prevention Program. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Fordham University.

Heshmati, Almas. (2006). Income inequality in China. In Heshmati, Almas (Ed.), Recent developments in the Chinese economy (pp. 173-220). Nova Science Publishers Inc..