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Sedik, David; & Wiesmann, Doris. (2005). Globalization and food and nutrition security in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. In Kracht, Uwe & Schulz, Manfred (Eds.), Food and nutrition security in the process of globalization and urbanization (pp. 102-113). Munster: LIT Publisher.

Senik, Claudia. (2005). Income distribution and well being: what can we learn from subjective data? Journal of Economic Surveys, 19(1), 43-63.

Skoufias, Emmanuel; & Quisumbing, Agnes R. (2005). Consumption insurance and vulnerability to poverty: a synthesis of the evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mali, Mexico and Russia. European Journal of Development Research, 17(1), 24-58.

Snodgrass, James Joshua; Leonard, William R.; Tarskaia, Larissa A.; Alekseev, Vasili P.; & Krivoshapkin, Vadim G. (2005). Basal metabolic rate in the Yakut (Sakha) of Siberia. American Journal of Human Biology, 17(2), 155-172.

Stepanova, Ekaterina; & Tsang, Kwok Ping. (2005). Is there a relative price effect of children? Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Conference 2006. University of Washington, Seattle.

Teplova, Tatyana. (2005). Balancing work and care in the post-Soviet Russian labour market. Carleton Economic Papers No. 05-04.

Twigg, Judyth L. (2005). The cost of illness, disability, and premature mortality to Russia's economy. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 46(7), 495-524.

Twigg, Judyth L.; & Skolnik, Richard. (2005). Evaluation of the World Bank’s assistance in responding to the AIDS epidemic: Russia case study. OED Working Papers no. 48556.

Vannappagari, Vani. (2005). Sexual risk behaviors, HIV knowledge and attitudes among a nationally representative sample of 14--49-year-old population of the Russian Federation. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Vernon, Victoria Konstantinova. (2005). Food expenditure, food preparation time, and household economies of scale. Unpublished Manuscript, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York.

Yemtsov, Ruslan. (2005). Quo vadis? Inequality and poverty dynamics across Russian regions. In Kanbur, Ravi & Venables, Anthony J. (Eds.), Spatial Inequality and Development (pp. 348–408). Oxford University Press.

Yudaeva, Ksenia. (2005). Institutions and the Commonwealth of Independent States. In Dinello, Natalia & Squire, Lyn (Eds.), Globalization And Equity: Perspectives from the Developing World (pp. 163-90). Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar.

Zavisca, Jane Roj; & Hout, Michael. (2005). Does money buy happiness in unhappy Russia? Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies Workign Paper Series.

Zelenev, Sergei. (2005). New sources of vulnerability and risk in post-socialist Russia: towards social protection. Social Development Issues, 27(2), 1-25.

Zohoori, Namvar; Blanchette, D.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2005). Monitoring health conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2004. Report submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development. . Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Иванов, ИМ; Шкаратан, ОИ; & Соболева, ИВ. (2005). Сравнительный анализ методик оценки социального статуса профессионалов в контексте концепции среднего класса. Институциональные проблемы российской экономики. WP1. НИУ ВШЭ,.

Akhmedov, Akhmed; Bessonova, Evgenia; Cherkashin, Ivan; Denisova, Irina; Grishina, Elena; & Nekipelov, Denis. (2004). Adjustment costs of trade liberalization: estimations for the Russian labor market. CEFIR Working Paper.

Aleksandrovna, Isaeva Irina. (2004). Behaviour modelling "the economic person" in the conditions of transformed Russian economy. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, Unknown university..

Anderson, Barbara A. (2004). Considerations and recommendations in undertaking population projections for South Africa intended to assess the impact and consequences of HIV / AIDS. PSC Research Report No. 04-561.

Andrienko, Yuri; & Guriev, Sergei. (2004). Determinants of interregional mobility in Russia. Economics of Transition, 12(1), 1-27.