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Сидорина, ТЮ. (2007). Социальный капитал в системе внутрифирменной социальной политики. In Ясин, Е. Г. (Ed.), Модернизация экономики и государство. Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ.

Afontsev, Sergey A. (2006). Post-Soviet urban households: how many income sources are enough? Continuity and Change, 21(01), 131-157.

Agranovich, Mark; Korolyova, Natalia; Poletaev, Andrei; Sundiev, Igor; Seliverstova, Irina; & Fateeva, Anna. (2006). Youth development report: condition of Russian youth. . Moscow: UNESCO/GTZ.

Alm, James; Martinez-Vazque, Jorge; & Torgler, Benno. (2006). Russian attitudes toward paying taxes–before, during, and after the transition. International Journal of Social Economics, 33(12), 832-857.

Arzhenovsky, Sergey. (2006). Socioeconomic determinants of smoking in Russia. (In Russian. With English summary.). Quantile, 2006(1), 81-100.

Bain, Olga. (2006). Educational reform in post-Soviet Russia: legacies and prospects. JSTOR.

Baltagi, Badi H.; & Geishecker, Ingo. (2006). Rational alcohol addiction: evidence from the Russian longitudinal monitoring survey. Health Economics, 15(9), 893-914.

Beuran, Monica; & Kalugina, Ekaterina. (2006). Social exclusion and the informal sector: the case of Russia. Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Université de Paris Working Paper.

Bezemer, Dirk J. (2006). Poverty in transition countries. Journal of Economics and Business, 9(1), 11-35.

Bilotkach, Volodymyr. (2006). A tax evasion–bribery game: experimental evidence from Ukraine. European Journal of Comparative Economics, 3(1), 31-49.

Blam, Inna; & Kovalev, Sergey. (2006). Spontaneous commercialisation, inequality and the contradictions of compulsory medical insurance in transitional Russia. Journal of International Development, 18(3), 407-23.

Chatterji, Pinka; & DeSimone, Jeffrey S. (2006). High school alcohol use and young adult labor market outcomes. NBER Working Paper No. 12529.

Clément, Matthieu. (2006). Assessing living standards and poverty in France and Russia. Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, 37(2), 81-108.

Clément, Matthieu. (2006). Dynamiques de pauvrete en Russie: une analyse en termes d'entrees et de sorties. (The dynamics of poverty in Russia: an analysis in terms of exit and entry. With English summary.). Revue d'Etudes comparatives Est-Ouest, 37(2), 135-68.

Clément, Matthieu. (2006). Impact redistributif des aides au logement en Russie: une analyse de “propensity score matching”. Centre d’Économie du Développement Working Paper DT/132/2006.

Cockerham, William C.; Hinote, Brian P.; Cockerham, Geoffrey B.; & Abbott, Pamela. (2006). Health lifestyles and political ideology in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Social Science & Medicine, 62(7), 1799-1809.

Constant, Amelie; Kahanec, Martin; & Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2006). The Russian-Ukrainian earnings divide. C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers, CEPR Discussion Papers: 5904.

Csete, Joanne. (2006). Rights and lessons scorned: human rights and HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia. In Twigg, Judyth L. (Ed.), HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia (pp. 165). Palgrave McMillan.

de Crombrugghe, Denis; & Notten, Geranda. (2006). Poverty and consumption smoothing in Russia. Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Working Paper no. MGSoG/2006/WP004.

Decoster, Andre; & Ooghe, Erwin. (2006). A bounded index test to make robust heterogeneous welfare comparisons. Review of Income and Wealth, 52(3), 361-76.