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Ogloblin, Constantin G.; & Brock, Gregory. (2003). Smoking in Russia: the ‘Marlboro Man’rides but without ‘Virginia Slims’ for now. Comparative Economic Studies, 45(1), 87-103.

Organization, World Health. (2003). Russian women live longer but less healthy lives than men. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81(11), 778-86.

Ovcharova, Lilia; & Pishnyak, Alina. (2003). Rural poverty in Russia. In The World Bank Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ECSSD (Ed.), Local Self-Government and Civic Engagement in Rural Russia (pp. 27-37). Moscow, Russia: Astro-Plus Publishers.

Peter, Klara Sabirianova. (2003). Skill-biased transition: the role of markets, institutions, and technological change. WDI Working Papers. William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School.

Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; & McKee, Martin. (2003). Discrepancies between ecological and individual data on fruit and vegetable consumption in fifteen countries. British Journal of Nutrition, 89(6), 827-834.

Reilly, Barry; & Krstić, Gorana. (2003). Employees and second job holding in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Economics of Transition, 11(1), 93-122.

Robinson, David O. (2003). Macroeconomic policymaking. In Wynn Owen, David Edwin & Robinson, D.O. (Eds.), Russia rebounds (pp. 25-56). Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund.

Roshchin, Sergey Y. (2003). Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia within millennium development goals. UN Gender team group's Doclad. United Nations Debelopment Programme.

Sedik, David J.; Sotnikov, Sergei; & Wiesmann, Doris. (2003). Food security in the Russian Federation. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 153.

Serhiy, Stepanchuk. (2003). Labor market segmentation: the case of Ukraine and Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

Shields, Michael A.; & Price, Stephen Wheatley. (2003). The labour market outcomes and psychological well-being of ethnic minority migrants in Britain. London: Home Office.

Shleifer, Andrei. (2003). A normal country: Russia after communism. Harvard University Press.

Skoufias, Emmanuel. (2003). Consumption smoothing in Russia: evidence from the RLMS. Economics of Transition, 11(1), 67-91.

Smirnova, Natalia Viktorovna. (2003). Job search behavior of unemployed in Russia. WDI Working Papers no. 629.

Smirnova, Natalia Viktorovna. (2003). Re-employment probabilities and wage offer function for Russian labor market. William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 547.

Sorokin, Olga; Miller, Arlene Michaels; Chandler, Peggy; & Drossos, Tatiana. (2003). Twenty-four hour dietary recalls of women from the former Soviet Union. 131st Annual Meeting APHA.

Spryskov, Dmitri. (2003). Below the poverty line-duration of poverty in Russia. EERC Working Paper Series no. 03-04e.

Stanovnik, Tine; & Verbi , Miroslav. (2003). Perception of income satisfaction and satisfaction with the quality of living: an analysis of Slovenian households. Institute for Economic Research Working Paper no. 21.

Sugiura, Fumikazu. (2003). Non-payment of wages in Russia. Slavic Studies, 2003(50), 177-202.

Varo, Jose J.; Martínez-González, Miguel A.; de Irala-Estévez, Jokin; Kearney, John; Gibney, Michael; & Martínez, J. Alfredo. (2003). Distribution and determinants of sedentary lifestyles in the European Union. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32(1), 138-46.